🚨 CRITICAL Chess Endgame Lesson 🚨

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  1. g5?? is a shocking blunder, shows your opponent's total lack of positional understanding.

  2. 00:00 my instict immediately told me b4 has the be the move as it is the one that capitalizes on all of white’s best assets. b4 does the following things:
    Block black’s pawn island on a and b files
    Maintains flexibility because allows the a pawn to β€œskip” a turn.
    Blocks the most β€œinfiltrating” squares for black.

  3. Great stuff. I created a Lichess study out of it. I've been studying pawn endgames and this video was a wonderful lesson for review.

  4. in the Kg6 Kd5 line after black captures on b4 how to win after Kc3?

  5. 04:30 hi,it may sound funny to you, but I would like to ask why it is good for white in this move? I am a newbie in chess so could you plz explain in detail😭

  6. So easy to slip, even with a lot of time

  7. when I was 1500 few years ago, there were huge eval swings during equal material king pawn endings (going from +1 to -3 to +0.5 to +10). They're tricky.

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