A Brilliant Endgame Study

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  1. What does the stalemate mean ? At 4:58, the black king was surrounded by the white queen and king and had no place to go. Why did the white side not win then ?

  2. Hi friend. Feedback: I find it better when the "UI" around your camera screen would be unanimated (green flashes or frequent flashing of the icon below you). They are .. less comfortable and kind of a distraction honestly rather than a clean chessboard and your pretty face giving smart advice.
    The video otherwise: Excellent, I really loved you sharing this seemingly simple position.

  3. This is a really neat study, I be always loved under promoting because it’s so rare, but this is a realistic position that could occur in game.

  4. I think its called the Lucena position. pretty standard.

  5. In the end, he could’ve moved the rook to a2

  6. Is there a way to generate such puzzle using an engine ? i.e positions with few pieces that still require a greater than expected moves to win ? Looks like something that would be easily scripted.

  7. very good game position and strategy required!

  8. Elon Musk should watch this video. He said chess is a simple game all figured out by computers.

  9. Idk if you’ve ever heard this, but you look just like coachhavier mendez

  10. I think it's still a draw if on 4:17 instead of rook D4, put rook on D6.

  11. Black king is never way back in a corner like that in a real game that had gotten down to that point.

    It would never come to that.

  12. Thank you for the video. I wish our politicians think half as critically as chess players who are pragmatic, not dogmatic, in order to win.

  13. I found all the moves here but the problem is that in a real endgame, you don't know you have a win and you also have a clock so I'm 90% sure I'd have drawn this

  14. Saavedra position. White wins by under promotion

  15. I really apreciated how taking a queen leads to a draw, instead you need a rook. Very clever, I didn't see that coming (I'm not that good at chess, I know)

  16. Finally I understand the game! Thanks a lot.

  17. cant the rook at th end go just to a 2

  18. 4:31 black rook gonna fork both the queen and rook and if white takes then a draw
    Get a rook instead

  19. what if black forgets about checking the white king and goes to protect its king, it would be black king-rook against white king-queen. Would black still have a chance?

  20. This is the most eye-opening video I've ever watched about endgames.

  21. Can we promote opponent piece like knight ,bishop, queen or ,rook (white can promote black's knight, queen or rook bishop)

  22. Good commentary on c5. I thought c5 because if b5, draw by perpetual check is an option or a few moves later the same situation of draw/win for black as explained for c5. BTW, the skewer doesn't have to be c1, any spot on the c file more than one space behind the king will suffice.

  23. Black pov: I am not gonna play chess anymore

  24. It might be worth noting that when someone starts a narration with "Whatsupp guys?", it makes you sound stupid. Really, if you are not a drug dealing gangster from the Bronx with your trouser waist band hanging around your knees, please don't use this as a greeting of a video clip, especially not for a chess clip.
    I have just unsubscribed from your fine channel.

  25. lol my comment is the 666th comment πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

  26. Woah, I got the right answer (to underpromote to a rook), which I'm quite proud of because I'm very new to chess.
    Edit: I got Kb3 too, wow. Surprising even myself!

  27. This is called magic

    What I saw move by move it's unpredictable

  28. White wins if they move first, no matter where the the tower moves, the piece will reach the other side no matter what, now if black starts its the same outcome, but no winner. The tower can only move in a cross if he tries to stop the peon reaching the last line, the peon eats and white wins, if he stands beside de peon the peon reaches also and then its a game of who can play their cards better, taking into account that the peon will be a queen, the white will have an advantage, yet mistakes can be made.

  29. POV: All AMAZING endgames:
    Underpromotion 😱😱😱😱😱😱

  30. the bestest endgame is where you let your opponent get his hopes up for as long as possible and then destroy him out of nowhere 🀣

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