An Instructive Chess Endgame Puzzle

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Puzzle FEN:
2kq4/8/1PPP4/8/8/4P3/8/3K4 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
J. Silhan, 1977

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  1. I'm confused. Isn't e7 also works for black?

  2. I always love the puzzles you put out❤

  3. Remember guys, the power of teamwork can defeat the problem like this 4 pawns that beat a queen.

  4. Nelson, this is very disappointing, you made a critical mistake in explaining this puzzle. after 1.b7+ Kb8 2. c7+ Qxc7 3. dxc7+ Kxb7! and you're not in time to get the king to e4 and the move Kd2 actually leads to a draw. so 4. Ke2 with following 5. Kf3 should be the only way to win in that case

  5. You forgot to mention that if the black king takes the B-pawn instead of the C-pawn, the white king will have to go to F3. If he went to D3 it's still a draw.

  6. And there he comes with the pawns going forwards again, hilarious, never gets old 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  7. Thanks for remindin' the opposition. Its often forgotten.

  8. 2:31 What black capture first B pawn and after then C pawn. It that better like that first C pawn and after then B pawn.

  9. Stockfish says no!!!!!
    Stockfish takes the pawn on the b file first, then the pawn on the c file, gains opposition and draws the game!

    Actually my head hurts now. White can win, but has to manoeuvre the king behind the final pawn onto the f file.
    It's far more complicated than the puzzle designer thought. I think you should make a new video to correct this one Nelson!
    ( You are my favourite chess channel, keep it up! )

  10. Bruh where is fisherman people do not like fisherman do they😢😢😢😢

  11. Ke2 is the move. If you try any king on d file its going to be a draw

  12. Do you get these puzzles from particular book or you found them in internet? They are interesting would love study mor of them

  13. I can't believe that there is actually I a puzzle I managed to solve!
    But I guess that was a Peter-Patzer-ELO chess puzzle.

  14. It's a draw the only reason why It won was because you ate the center pawn First and then the further pawn

  15. but, what if the black king takes first the b7 pawn?

  16. I would just want the king to be as far away from my pawn as possible. Is that ever not the correct line of thinking?

  17. Hello Chess Vibes, by any chance do you cover recaps of top tourneys 🎀

  18. Actually, with ideal play, black has a forced draw. At 2:30, black has Kxb7 instead of c7.
    Kd2, Kxc7, putting the black king in the c file instead of the b file.
    Kd3, Kd7, wherever the white king moves to, black can take opposition.

  19. What happens if 2:18 white starts with pushing the d pawn, making the king slower?

  20. These puzzles would be great for the3 next fisherman's episode!

  21. The outside passed pawn is always superior to be left with. But if black plays Kxb7, Ke2 is the only move to win

  22. Have you put our intrepid friends, Bobby Fischerman and co. on hold?

  23. Cerebral Comics - 🎬 Content Creator says:

    Insightful, as always.

  24. Endgames used to be my weakest point, but this one was rather apparent to me by this point in my chess development. Thanks for the extremely valuable videos, where your explanation really shines.

  25. Endings are a glaring hole in my chess learning 🙄 thx for this!

  26. Please Nelson, continue the story of bobby fisherman. It is fun to solve the puzzels with story.

  27. Nelson explains better than any other chess YouTuber

  28. It also follows a general rule (though in endgames it is better to just calculate) that you want your opponent to capture the piece that leaves their king furthest out of play last.

  29. Challenge: chess against martin but you need to win with lower accuracy

  30. Wait… after 1. b7 Kb8 2. c8 Qxc8 3. dxc8 can't black play 3. … Kxb8 instead and end up close enough?

  31. Love video, went for eight pawn to check, but for another reason mate.,

  32. if you play d8 instead of moving the king closer to the pawn is it still a draw because white enters the opposition there?

  33. please can you contiue the story of puzzle island i

  34. White to move and win
    k7/8/2P5/P7/7p/5p2/8/7K w – – 0 1

    Whi Blac
    Kh1 Ka8
    a5… f3
    c6… h4

  35. When, after dxc7, you played Kxc7 instead of Kxb7, I expected the huge eagle to land and take you to patzer prison :/

  36. b7+ Kb8 c7+ Qxc7 dxc7+ Kxc7 b8=Q+ Kxb8 Kd2 Kc7 Kd3 Kd6 Kd4 and white wins, e.g. …Ke6 Ke4 Kd6 Kf5 and promotes

  37. These puzzles are so fun and educational, I love it!😊

  38. You should have also covered the line where black captured on b7 before c7, bringing the king the one step closer it needs to be.

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