Checkmate with a Knight, a Bishop & a King in the Endgame. Do you think this is difficult? No, it isn’t. I have a very easy & simple chess strategy for you all. In this chess tutorial, I will show you some step-by-step moves that you need to play to win this game fast. The trick is to co-ordinate with all your pieces to restrict your opponent’s moves, avoid stalemate and finally mate the white/black king in the correct corner within 50 moves. In this chess video, you will learn the best method to win these type of endgames. Here are some basic tips:
1. Control the center with all your pieces
2. Drag your opponent’s king to an edge of the board by using the idea of restriction
3. Push the opponent’s king to the correct corner
4. Limit him to the corner 2 squares only
5. Avoid stalemate
6. And finally Checkmate your opponent with your bishop
I also have a special surprise for you in this video. It’s a face reveal video. You get to see the Face Behind Chess Talk – Jeetendra Advani.
In the second part of this video, I will cover how to drag your opponent out of the wrong corner & then achieve a checkmate. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments below. I will be happy to answer & help you out.
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Also, Check out my previous chess videos:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
How to Play Chess: Rules for Beginners:
Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Budapest Gambit:
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
Siberian Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani