Chess Endgame Fundamentals: First-Rank Defense

Practice these positions and other important rook endings on Chessable!

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  1. Jerry just made a video on this, with a digital board, it's also really instructive (and slightly expanded on this one, it's the complete philidor position). It's one of his recent uploads in his beginner to master playlist, very nice playlist to check out if you like stuff like this.

  2. John, do you know where I could get a chess set like that? I really like it.

  3. im curious, what type of music do you listen to?

  4. Your hand gestures actually contribute positively to your explanation, was funny when i noticed that 🙂

  5. Excellent video, please post more videos on The Archive

  6. Hi John. I now spend whatever time it takes to solve the tactics, it's been pretty good and I'm already improving. Thanks for the tip, a master tip as always!
    Thanks for this video. Endgames are the most dangerous grounds.

  7. please make more videos like this thank u

  8. John Bartholomew where did you purchased your chess set?

  9. These are awesome dude thanks. I have books but no teacher and it really helps to hear someone really articulately explain the rationale of the variations.

  10. Where did you buy that board/pieces? Thanks!

  11. Hey. Cool last name. Reminds me of Bartholomew from Don't Be A Menace In South Central hehe. Anyways, I WISH every video had this type of set up. I don't like diagrams as much. I always use a real set. Your videos have a perfect cam set up, offer 1080p and it feels like a GM is sitting in from of me. PLEASE keep making these vids and dont sell out to diagrams! 🙂 You might want to get your foot in and actually, check your inbox.

  12. Keep going John. Theses are great lessons. Thank you.

  13. love that board john. where did you get it? also you have the best chess channel on the net no question.

  14. love that board john. where did you get it? also you have the best chess channel on the net no question.

  15. Great set of videos. Love your work. Thanks John.

  16. Fabulous lesson, excellent teacher! Thank you very much for making it so clear.

  17. Please make some more this type of video

  18. But I feel that 9 times out of 10, it’s a knight or Rook pawn

  19. Thank you for teaching , I like how you explaine why you make the moves

  20. 4:40 this is a great reversal! I know I've lost this position as black. I'm remembering this one!

  21. U gotta nice stuff!!
    But need little more high angle camera position.. For better view..

  22. found myself in this exact situation yesterday and if I didn't watch this the same day, I would have lost that game. LOL.

  23. Just had a weird thought at 4:52. If White plays g8, and Black takes the pawn before White has a chance to put a promoted piece on the board, how would you record White's move?

  24. Do you have an app of Chessable? I find trouble using the website.

  25. I saw Naka do this is a blitz game on his stream. He moved the rook back and forth on the back rank while white marched his King and pawn forward. Unfortunately for white it was a Knight pawn and Naka forced the draw.

  26. I got this position the other night from the "worse" side and knew it was a draw because my opponent had a g-pawn. I was mindful of this video as I was playing the endgame.

  27. The best in this position is that black can actually WIN if white is not careful LoL

  28. Can you please tell me Where can I buy the board with same dimensions as in the video

  29. Excellent video. It is awesome to see these things in a real board with real pieces instead the boring 2d diagrams. Explanations are also perfect!!!

  30. Sir, as a bottom dwelling lobster (ELO 1200 – 1300) looking up and snapping futilely at the fishes and sharks swimming above me I soooooooo appreciate you breaking things down into small and easily understood concepts. The non GM players of the world thank you!

  31. This guy is one of my fav chess guy on YouTube ❤️

  32. Can we all agree rook end games are the most fun

  33. 'Philidor Defence type of position'! 🙂

  34. please can someone tell me what board / pieces Lord John has? I NEED to get it

  35. 3:53 really the only legal move is Kf8 because Kd8 or moving the rook anywhere is met by Rh8#

  36. At 5:29 you moved the rook from C6 to A6. That I think is a losing move, since after that RB8+ and then G8. Am I missing something here? I am quite new.

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