This video covers how to successfully promote your pawn once you’ve obtained the Lucena Position by building a bridge with your rook.
Internet Chess Club
I definitely did get a lot out of it. My issue is my middle game strategy. Normally my end game is solid. But it really depends more on if the person is playing me or the board. When they are playing me (if I get lazy and rely on well worn tactics) then I can easily get sloppy. I need to work on that. Thank you for the information.
At 2:21: The only problem I found was when you placed the white rook up next to the white king you potentially put yourself in a stalemate situation. If the black rook stayed in that column, and you advanced the pawn to become a queen, the rook could take the queen, placing your king in check. It would be at a diagonal to the white rook, disabling the white rook from taking the black rook. The white king would have to take the black rook, leaving the black king to take the white rook. Stalemate.
@Tyrazial If the black rook stayed on the d-file you can still bring your rook to e7 (where it would be protected after 1. … move other than R+, 2. Re7 Kf6, 3. d8=Q Rxd8, 4. Kxd8) and you have a won endgame.
Couldn't tblacks king move to capture the white rook after it was placed on the 4th line? Or was that ignored because that would lead to white promoting the pawn?
At 3:18 why dont you just move your rook to e2 and then move your king to either e8 or e7? then the rook would prevent the black rook from making use of the e-file…
If black stays on the d file, white can play Rf5 (or Rf6+ and then back to Rf5). From there white will get his rook to d5, and then there is nothing that black can do except for one final check, and then white can get his pawn, king, and rook all in line on the d file. As soon as white plays Rf5 actually, computer programs will have black sac the rook for the pawn because it's a longer mate with just a rook than with a queen, but of course that is just a computer stalling tactic. 🙂
I keep playing all kinds of endgames with stockfish 9 after watching your videos and stockfish is begging me for mercy. Not a single draw. I win everything. Who said computer is better than human in chess lol I'm beating 3400ELO engine with my eyes closed lol
I definitely did get a lot out of it. My issue is my middle game strategy. Normally my end game is solid. But it really depends more on if the person is playing me or the board. When they are playing me (if I get lazy and rely on well worn tactics) then I can easily get sloppy. I need to work on that. Thank you for the information.
great tips for this scenario! thank you.. i find all of these videos fascinating to watch..
At 2:21: The only problem I found was when you placed the white rook up next to the white king you potentially put yourself in a stalemate situation. If the black rook stayed in that column, and you advanced the pawn to become a queen, the rook could take the queen, placing your king in check. It would be at a diagonal to the white rook, disabling the white rook from taking the black rook. The white king would have to take the black rook, leaving the black king to take the white rook. Stalemate.
@Tyrazial If the black rook stayed on the d-file you can still bring your rook to e7 (where it would be protected after 1. … move other than R+, 2. Re7 Kf6, 3. d8=Q Rxd8, 4. Kxd8) and you have a won endgame.
@Tyrazial That isn't stalemate, it's insufficient mating material.
@lfroggyl Look for some book or video on the Saavedra position for a necessary R underpromotion.
hi everyone, it's Jerry
@returnNull It's funny when you go to his channel and quickly click through all of his uploaded videos 😛
There are drawing methods!
Couldn't tblacks king move to capture the white rook after it was placed on the 4th line? Or was that ignored because that would lead to white promoting the pawn?
Nevermind, didn't see the whole video before typing, Silly me.
At 3:18 why dont you just move your rook to e2 and then move your king to either e8 or e7? then the rook would prevent the black rook from making use of the e-file…
I learned something. Thanks.
great video thanks
@Threepwoot King could play to f7, not allowing the king into the e file.
@returnNull Hi.
I think the Kf8 is a MUCH cleaner than what you mentioned jerry.
why would the king want to be in front of the pawn?
Thanks dT 🙂
Nice vid
this video is really helpful. Thanks for posting it
If black stays on the d file, white can play Rf5 (or Rf6+ and then back to Rf5). From there white will get his rook to d5, and then there is nothing that black can do except for one final check, and then white can get his pawn, king, and rook all in line on the d file. As soon as white plays Rf5 actually, computer programs will have black sac the rook for the pawn because it's a longer mate with just a rook than with a queen, but of course that is just a computer stalling tactic. 🙂
Great videos
Providing the alternate K moves for Black was genius!
Great explanation, thank you.
It's about time I learn this stuff.
What happens if the black king goes to e3 after Rf4?
Those are ugly chess colors and pieces.
Draw, 50 moves rule.
magnus brought me here too,, ty
Love it.
4:16 after the rooks are exchanged the black king is closer so a draw surely?
At 3:11 when the rook f2 shouldn't he have moved the rook to e2? To prevent a check from black rook
Nice.. Great explanation.. Thanks!
What's a "pahn"?
What's a "pahn"?
The Great Jerry.
I’m really tired but what if black has his tool checking from the 4th rank?
I don't think you can checkmate with a rook and king so honestly I'd trade the rook for the pawn
I keep playing all kinds of endgames with stockfish 9 after watching your videos and stockfish is begging me for mercy. Not a single draw. I win everything. Who said computer is better than human in chess lol I'm beating 3400ELO engine with my eyes closed lol
Lucena !!! @Samay @Sagar
Very nice explanation, thanks!
Why not rook to e2? This also prevents check on the E file.
I am here because of Samay
I have lost alot of games and had a draw as well not knowing this. Thank you bro!
nice well explained in all details