This video illustrates the solution to one of the several key positions stemming from a Queen vs Rook endgame (Philidor), one of the most difficult endgames to fully understand. Additionally a defensive resource is shown to the viewer.
RIP Ian, somebody send him this link
I'm here in 2023 after Carlsen swindled a draw from Nepo in a rook vs queen endgame
Anyone here after Magnus vs Ian??
why does every damn tutorial show the king and rook already on the side of the board? The difficult part is GETTING THEM THERE.
I bet less than 0.5% of those who think they understand this endgame really understand this endgame. I tried to study the queen vs rook endgame and realised there were tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of key positions. I remeberd I had watched a video from chess network about this queen vs rook only to rewatch the video and find out chess network admitted to not fully understanding this endgame but just this particlar key position 0:15
Thank you very much for the lesson, I've never had studied this ending and I have almost 20 years playing chess. Very instructive and easy to understand
Extra ordinary sir
This endgame is drawn for humans, but winning for white for engines