Chess Endgames: King & Pawn endgame up a pawn, both have majorities

NM Dan Heisman describes a student’s endgame where one side is up a pawn but both sides have majorities, in this case a king and 4 pawns vs a king and 3 pawns. This is one step more difficult than the earlier video K&5p vs K&4p ( ) where the defender had no majority.

NM Dan Heisman has been a full-time chess instructor since 1996 and is the author of 12 chess books, the TV show “Q&A with Coach Heisman” on and the radio show “Ask the Renaissance Man” on the Internet Chess Club. Howard Stern was one of Dan’s students. Dan tries to answer comments on YouTube but for a quicker, more comprehensive answer (or questions about lessons), contact Dan via email, skype, or phone via Dan’s website . His Chess Tip of the Day is @danheisman on Twitter.