Chess Geometric Rules & TRICKS To WIN Easily [Endgame Tips]

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you some geometric chess rules and tricks that will help you evaluate positions easily and find the best moves very quickly without having to calculate a lot of variations.

These tips are especially useful in the endgame stage. You will learn the following:

🔹 how to cut-off (restrict) your opponent’s king using yours in a king and pawn endgame
🔹 an easy way to checkmate with a queen (must-know for beginners)
🔹 the rule of the square (or square rule)
🔹 restricting your opponent’s knight with your bishop, queen, and pawn
🔹 restricting your opponent’s knight with your rook (rook vs knight endgame)

Knowing these rules/tips will save you a lot of time during practical games and will help you find the best moves easily!

► Chapters

00:00 Chess Geometry: Rules & Tricks
00:23 1) Cutting off your opponent’s king (straight line vs zigzag)
01:48 2) Checkmating with a queen easily (use your king)
05:16 3) The Rule of the Square (King & Pawn Endgame)
06:34 Magnus Carlsen learnt this chess rule in TikTok?!
06:41 4) Restricting opponent’s knight with bishop, queen, pawn
08:21 5) Restricting opponent’s knight with your rook

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  1. ► Chapters

    00:00 Chess Geometry: Rules & Tricks

    00:23 1) Cutting off your opponent's king (straight line vs zigzag)

    01:48 2) Checkmating with a queen easily (use your king)

    05:16 3) The Rule of the Square (King & Pawn Endgame)

    06:34 Magnus Carlsen learnt this chess rule in TikTok?!

    06:41 4) Restricting opponent's knight with bishop, queen, pawn

    08:21 5) Restricting opponent's knight with your rook

  2. I didn't realize that the geometry is super useful in Chess

  3. I have only recntly discovered your channel and got to say it is incredibly helpful. One can tell that you really know your chess and yet you explain all the moves a beginner, i mainly do tactics, would think of and explain why they would or wouldnt work. Its the perfect mixture of understandable ideas and its explanations and never getting boring or too slow in the progress. Good teacher!

  4. Great tips. Checkmating an opponent with a king and queen and 2 seconds left is definitely something I struggle to do.

  5. Thanks! I especially liked the "diagonal; opposition" rule in Rook and Knight endgames.

  6. any color would always win when its down to just Knight… Cool trick to make sure you win though I liked that.

  7. Is there a chess cult sanctuary where I can pay to spend a year totally immersed in chess nothing else so I can become an absolute WIZARD at the game?!

  8. It is a joy to watch your wonderful videos sir… You are not only a super grandmaster, but an incredible coach and tutor also!!! You are simply the best !!! I always feel jealous, thinking about your students, who got the wonderful opportunity to learn chess by literally attending your coaching classes, truly they are very fortunate,,
    Thanks once again sir, please continue making instructive videos like this in the future also….

  9. I knew the square, the others were extremely helpful, thanks.

  10. Good advice, but in the king and queen vs king example, there's so many opportunities for me as white to make one wrong move on the way to checkmating and it's a stalemate. Happened so often with little time on the clock to think properly…😢

  11. Superb lesson from a good teacher. Emmanuel Lasker was a mathematician teacher who became a world champion. Using geometry in chess was been helpful not to calculate more in chess position. 😲❤

  12. The lesson on restricting your opponent was brilliant thanks 👍

  13. I ran across exactly this kind of problem this evening. If I'd watched your video first, it probably wouldn't have taken me 110 moves!

  14. давно смотрю, лучший канал по шахматам, столько информации, в разы полезнее того же Готмама, не в обиду ему:)

  15. Can you suggest me a good book for chess geometry

  16. For the truck no.2) I know I'm gonna end this with a stalemate.

  17. 7:51, I believe Nbd2 is still playable as it assists with c4 pond break as well as having prospects of playing Ndb3 and hopping to c5 in a future if given an outpost. I actually would play Nbd2 because black might play c5 pond break, and playing Nbd2 gives me the flexibility to play c3 to solidify my pond structure or even play c4 counter attacking. Thought Nbd2 looks passive, I believe it has many prospects and also serves the same purpose as Nbc3 that also prevents black from playing Nfe4(securing a nice outpost for the knight and would be really hard for white to deal with). On the other hand, Nc3 prepares e4 pond break in the future which then opens the scope of the somewhat passive bishop on c1. In my opinion, I would play Nc3 as it allows me to develop the bishop(slightly higher value than knight in most cases) more conveniently. If say I play Nbd2, you could still play b3 and bd2 but your bishop stares into your own pawn which isn't the best. However I think this discourages black from playing c5 cause the exchange after (exc5, Bxc5), it is double edged black's bishop does become more active on a more common diagonal, meanwhile white's bishop is staring on the king side which may become problematic in the long term as black is likely to castle king side according to the position given. I would prob say Nbd2 is still an option worth considering and I use it sometimes when I feel tilted haha. My elo:1357

  18. I see that survey we filled was taken into consideration 😀

  19. Can you make a video on the Danish gambit (if you haven't already)? I have seen the opening somewhere and I think that might be a good opening for me to use regularly

  20. Another great video. Keep making wonderful videos 😊

  21. Игорь спасибо за полезное видео.Хорошо было бы чтобы ты сделал видео как не попадать под коневые вилки,тема болезненная для многих.

  22. I would love to see more videos focusing on endgames and middle games!

  23. Love the last chapter as I already knew the others. There should be a lot more content on chess geometry as I think its very helpful when calculating.

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