Choose OR Loose (Bishop & Pawns Endgame)

This Endgame is from USSR Championship between Polugaevsky vs Zakharov in 1963. This game is peculiar and interesting because of its endgame. Each and every move involves a difficult choice that could change the course of the game.
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[FEN “8/8/4b1p1/2Bp3p/5P1P/1pK1Pk2/8/8 b – – 0 1”]

1… g5 (1… Kg4 2. Be7 Kf3 3. Kd2 b2 4. Kc2 Kxe3 5. Kxb2 Kxf4 6. Kc3) 2. fxg5
(2. hxg5 h4 3. f5 Bxf5 4. Kxb3 h3 5. Bd6 Kxe3) 2… d4+ 3. exd4 Kg3 4. Ba3 Kxh4
5. Kd3 Kxg5 6. Ke4 h4 7. Kf3 Bd5+ 8. Kf2 *

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