Everyone should know this Rook Sacrifice Endgame Tactic

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In January 2017, I gave my first lecture at the @STLChessClub. In the lecture — — I showed an a common endgame (rook and 2 pawns vs rook) where the winning idea involves sacrificing the rook and potentially under-promoting a pawn to knight or bishop to secure the win! 4 years, I got to use the same idea on stream in a blitz chess game.

My opponent in this video was WIM Then Nguyen (2426). The opening featured an attempted (but rejected) Stafford Gambit that turned into some version of a Scotch Opening. After I won a pawn early, my opponent fought valiantly and achieved a drawn endgame. We reached a situation where either player could have forced a draw, but then we both decided to play on and go for blood…

Thanks to the STL Chess Club for giving me permission to sprinkle some clips from the lecture into this video. Viewers can watch the whole lecture here:

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