Genius Chess Endgame Trick You Must Know ♟️ you have to take the bishop to win
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Hi i am AIM if you want Check my Playlist
✅ Recommended playlists:
Playlist 1 (Checkmates , Sacrifices):
Playlist 2 (Checkmates , Sacrifices):
Playlist 3 (Checkmates , Sacrifices):
Playlist 4 (Chess Amazing games and Tricks):
Playlist 5 (Chess learning):
Playlist 6 (Chess Stalemate):
Playlist 7 (Chess collection):
There is a lot you need to know about chess
There is Chess openings , Chess Tactics , Chess Sacrfices , how checkmate , Chess Fork , double attack , discover check , pining , Tricks , Endgame tactics , middlegame tactics , Chess Analysis , zugzwang , stalemate ,
There is different title levels CM candidate master , FM fide master , IM international master , GM grandmaster and they all by rating
There is pieces ( pawn knight bishop rook queen and king ) every piece has its move
you choose from white or black to play
i played a lot of tournments , i play queen’s gambit for white , sicilian defense for black
but if you want improve ask me in comment i will answer you
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