King Activity in Chess Endgames – GM Rashad Babaev (Endgame Renaissance)

Are you serious about improving your chess endgame play? In GM Rashad Babaev’s new course, he focuses on endgame themes and skills not found in most courses. Get instant access with 50% off. ►

Chess endgames are the weakest point for most players – which means working on this critical phase of the game presents a golden opportunity to rack up tournament wins and rating points.

Most club players spend far too little time studying endgames. They are not familiar with essential theoretical endgames, nor do they focus on developing good endgame understanding and technique.

However, decent endgame skills are vital for any aspiring chess player. They can enable you to win apparently equal positions with only small imbalances or save half a point from clearly worse positions.

This video is a free preview of GM Rashad Babaev’s new course, where Rashad teaches strategies which you can use to navigate more confidently through any endgame you get. It’s like a toolbox of endgame techniques you can use to find creative moves in your games.

As José Raúl Capablanca said, “To improve at chess you should in the first instance study the endgame.” In this video, GM Babaev focuses on the most important piece – the king!

Generally speaking, the changing role of the king is one of the most important characteristics which separates endgames from middlegames and openings.

In the middlegame, we have a protective mentality about the king. In the endgame, however, you need to flip a switch in your mind. An active king can protect weaknesses, control important squares and target weak pawns, so that more valuable pieces like rooks can be actively placed and don’t have to fulfill defensive tasks. As a rule of thumb, the king is usually considered to be worth 4 points in the endgame.

GM Rashad Babaev was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, like Kasparov, and was coached by one of Garry’s most influential trainers, Privorotsky. Now Babaev is one of the top trainers in the US, coaching scholastic teams to victory in the USCF National Tournament and transforming several students into grandmasters.

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  1. second bro new grandmaste with outstanding seires of endgame

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