king opposition in chess in Tamil, direct opposition, endgames in Tamil, how to play chess in tamil


Watch this video to understand the Following king opposition in chess in Tamil, direct opposition, endgames in Tamil, how to play chess in tamil

1. Corresponding squares/Key Squares/Critical squares

2.Direct Opposition

3. Rook Pawns are Draw when Weaker side gets in front of the pawn

4. Puzzle -1 Direct Opposition

5.Puzzle -2 Another rook pawn another draw

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Previous Endgame videos from our channel,

5. Rule of the Squares:

4.Stalemate Alert:

3.Two Rooks Checkmate Staircase:

2.Queen and Rook Checkmate Staircase:

1.Checkmate with two Queens staircase method:

Other Basic Endgame Videos :

4. two Bishops Checkmate

3. Knight and Bishop Checkmate

2. Checkmate with a Rook and King

1. Checkmate with a Queen and King