Watch this video to understand the Following king opposition in chess in Tamil, direct opposition, endgames in Tamil, how to play chess in tamil
1. Corresponding squares/Key Squares/Critical squares
2.Direct Opposition
3. Rook Pawns are Draw when Weaker side gets in front of the pawn
4. Puzzle -1 Direct Opposition
5.Puzzle -2 Another rook pawn another draw
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Previous Endgame videos from our channel,
5. Rule of the Squares:
4.Stalemate Alert:
3.Two Rooks Checkmate Staircase:
2.Queen and Rook Checkmate Staircase:
1.Checkmate with two Queens staircase method:
Other Basic Endgame Videos :
4. two Bishops Checkmate
3. Knight and Bishop Checkmate
2. Checkmate with a Rook and King
1. Checkmate with a Queen and King