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The “King Salman World Blitz & Rapid Championships 2017” in Riyadh from Decemer 26th to 30th. The first five rounds of the rapid tournament take place on December 26th. A record $2 million prize fund has attracted most of the world’s best players.
Vladimir Fedoseev vs Magnus Carlsen
World Rapid Championship (2017), Riyadh KSA, rd 12, Dec-28
Sicilian Defense: Paulsen. Bastrikov Variation (B47)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. d4 Bg4 10. Be3 exd4 11. cxd4 Na5 12. Nbd2 Nxb3 13. axb3 c5 14. Qc2 Nd7 15. e5 cxd4 16. Bxd4 dxe5 17. Nxe5 Nxe5 18. Bxe5 Re8 19. Bc3 Bf8 20. h3 Bh5 21. Qf5 Bg6 22. Qf4 Rxe1+ 23. Rxe1 Qd7 24. Nf3 f6 25. Bb4 Re8 26. Rxe8 Bxe8 27. Bxf8 Kxf8 28. b4 Qe7 29. Nd4 Kf7 30. Qd2 Qd6 31. Qc3 Bd7 32. Qb3+ Be6 33. Qc3 Bd7 34. Qb3+ Ke7 35. Qc3 Qe5 36. Qd2 g5 37. Ne2 Bc6 38. Nd4 Bd5 39. Qc3 Kf7 40. Qd3 Kf8 41. Qc3 h5 42. f3 h4 43. Kf2 Kf7 44. Qe3 Qxe3+ 45. Kxe3 Ke7 46. Nc2 Bb3 47. Nd4 Bd5 48. Nc2 Ke6 49. Ne1 Bc4 50. f4 Kf5 51. fxg5 fxg5 52. Nf3 Bd5 53. Nd4+ Kf6 54. Nf3 Bb7 55. Kf2 Kf5 56. g3 hxg3+ 57. Kxg3 Bc8 58. Nd2 Bb7 59. Nf3 Bd5 60. Nd2 Bf7 61. Nf3 Be8 62. Nd2 Bf7 63. Nf3 Bh5 64. Nd4+ Ke5 65. Nf3+ Kd5 66. Nxg5 Kc4 67. Ne4 Kxb4 68. Kf4 a5 69. Nd2 a4 70. Ke4 Kc5 71. Ke3 b4 72. Ne4+ Kd5 73. Nd2 Bg6 74. Ke2 a3 75. bxa3 bxa3 76. Kd1 a2 77. Nb3 Kc4 78. Na1 Kc3 79. Kc1 Bf5 80. h4 Bg6 81. h5 Bxh5 82. Nc2 Be8 83. Na1 Ba4 84. Nc2 Kb3
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At 11:32 White had a fork position to capture the black bishop , did i miss something ?
Wow! What an endgame. Carlsen is one of the best endgame masters ever.
at 11:32 why not knight f6 to fork king and bishop?
11:32 he could have played what a plunder
Let Carlson play Deep Blue
Let Carlson play Deep Blue
An unbelievably great endgame. Wow. How does Carlen do it? Usually we equate chess mastery with more complex positions. Carlson shows us that brilliance can be achieved with simple positions. He ranks as one of my favorites alongside Alekhine, Fischer, and Kasparov.
Why not move king to d1 instead of sacrificing pawn
At 11:31 white knight to f6 is forking the king and bishop completely winning for white
I am a fan of your video titles
I am just here for the dog. He is a very good dog.
12:53 here the easiest win is not to take the pawn. Bf5 h6 Bh7 blocking the pawn and then next move you can play kb2.
endgame master
I like the games on this channel but his cough drove me nuts, please take some time off and get well.
11:32 kf6 was a winning move for Vladimir but he seems to have missed it
@11:30 time stamp : after Black king to d5 (responding to the check by the White knight), why didn't Fedoseev go with knight to F6 forking the black king and bishop ?
Didnt Fedoseev missed Kf9 to fork the king and bishop to win the game? at 11:31
Love your channel. Is there anyway you could show the clock when playing blitz etc ?
Any way to show the clock during blitz games ? Love your channel and your terrific analysis
At 12:32 Vladimir actually missed a game changing move .
Somebody tell me if I’m wrong but he could’ve checked the king with his knight and captured the bishop
Vladimir fedossev he could have the game win knight could go to f6 whit he's knight capture the bishop 23 mubes before he resigned
Watching these has made me significantly better at chess. I use to struggle with begginer bots, now I can play intermediate with some struggle but a real chance to win.
Could of taken
Carlsen bishop with the Knight earlier but didn't
On the move at 01:15, why did Carlsen move the bishop instead of using knight to take the pawn?
12:54 black should have played something like Bd3 then h6 Bh7 and white was forced to move the king or the bishop
at 11:32 couldnt Fedoseev check the king again and capture the bishop knight to F6?
At 11:32, why does Fedoseev not move knight to f6 to fork the king and bishop and then take the bishop?
After King to D5, wasn´t there a winning forke in the position? Knight to F6 11:30
the host is very skilled , hats off for him
This game 🔥🥵
Carlsen is an alien. At the endgame of chess you're mentally exhausted, and yet Carlsen can sustain that kind of thinking at that point. The fact he can plan that through in his head is just insane.
Magnus placed king on D4, knight F6 checks and picks the bishop.. right?!
"You can basically draw the game or win it just like Magnus does. Its your choice."
Damn, agad making it sound so easy haha
"You can basically draw the game or win it just like Magnus does. Its your choice."
Damn, agad making it sound so easy haha
Came back to remind myself how real champion plays after the infamous game 12 lol
Came back to remind myself how real champion plays after the infamous game 12 lol
Right Carlsen’s Immortal Endgame Game might as well be the way he locked it down with his King and Bishop No way to stop the final pawn push from promoting Opponents Knight fell short Nice try tho tight Game Good Call Agadmator as Always Thoroughly enjoyed Much Thanks Enjoy your Chess Everyone 🤩☮️♟️💯
Right Carlsen’s Immortal Endgame Game might as well be the way he locked it down with his King and Bishop No way to stop the final pawn push from promoting Opponents Knight fell short Nice try tho tight Game Good Call Agadmator as Always Thoroughly enjoyed Much Thanks Enjoy your Chess Everyone 🤩☮️♟️💯
Saw this vid's thumbnail as a suggestion and remembered the video, then had a minor heart attack seeing that it's already 5+ years old 😐 lol
Saw this vid's thumbnail as a suggestion and remembered the video, then had a minor heart attack seeing that it's already 5+ years old 😐 lol
11:32 why didn’t he fork the king & bishop 🤔
11:32 why didn’t he fork the king & bishop 🤔
I like your channel watched many videos that i liked but forgot to subscribe now i am sub althought i understand english i like you add arabic keep going what anice channel you got
I like your channel watched many videos that i liked but forgot to subscribe now i am sub althought i understand english i like you add arabic keep going what anice channel you got
There's a reason MGC is the 🐐
There's a reason MGC is the 🐐
King d5 was insane
King d5 was insane