Triangulation | Chess Endgames

Triangulation is an endgame technique using which you can force your opponent to have to move when the position is unfavorable for him. A fancy way to lose a tempo!

For an introduction to King and Pawn endgames, watch the video on opposition:

In king and pawn endgames, it’s all about precision and technique. Apart form the rule of the square, critical squares and opposition, there is one more technique which can help you win (or draw) games: triangulation. Triangulation is simply put moving your king in a triangle shape along three squares in order to make your opponent move.

You waste time (or tempi) by maneuvering your king to reach the same position you had before but so that it will be your opponent’s move.

This is a widely used technique, and you can easily draw or lose if you don’t know it. You sue it to put your opponent in zugzwang, and thus make him make his position worse. Using triangulation you can gain the opposition, move your king up the board, or win a pawn. It is a technique applicable to many scenarios.

Before we move on to endgames with multiple pawns, it is essential that you are familiar with it since it’s going to be the basis of numerous positions.

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