This video continues our journey into the heart of pawn endgames with a detailed overview of all things related to proper king use. We examine the 9 most important king use techniques, and then put them into practice by carefully analyzing a wealth of real-life examples.
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00:00 Intro
03:13 Opposition
8:15 Zugzwang
10:20 Shouldering
12:35 Waiting Moves
15:40 Triangulation
19:15 Charting A Course
22:00 Putting It Together
25:50 Distant Opposition Example
30:35 Pawn Assisted Opposition
35:02 Brute Force Calculation (Shouldering)
38:32 Example of Combining Principles
43:25 Example Waiting Moves
48:20 Title Tuesday Example Game
50:10 Triangulation Illustration
52:35 Charting a Course
56:20 Putting it Together Illustration
Robert James Fischer vs Lhamsuren Myagmarsuren
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Edited by @Clyde Barber (check out some of my original music on YT)
#endgame #grandmaster #chess